State of the Mind

Suponho que é assim que se sente. Acho que já não me recordava de como se sentia. Tão real e vívido, tão presente. Suponho que é assim que se sente quem sabendo o que sente não pode sentir. 

"Anda, abraça-me, beija-me
Encosta o teu peito ao meu
Esquece o que vai na rua
Vem ser minha eu serei teu
Que falem não nos interessa
O mundo não nos importa
O nosso mundo começa
Dentro da nossa porta

Só nós dois é compreendemos
O calor dos nossos beijos
Só nós dois é que sofremos
As torturas e os desejos
Vamos viver o presente
Tal qual a vida nos dá
O que reserva o futuro
Só deus sabe o que será"

Tiago Bettencourt, Só nós dois.

(E)m estado líquido #38

 "As moléculas de um material no estado líquido possuem mais energia do que as moléculas do mesmo material em estado sólido, a uma mesma pressão. Esta maior energia traduz-se em maior liberdade de movimento, que é o que permite ao líquido adaptar a sua forma à forma do recipiente que o contém."

É na intensidade de um querer que se sente a mudança do corpo. Estagnado, em repouso, voluntariamente colocado em pausa, rapidamente se transforma num turbilhão humedecido de sensações. Não precisa de muito. O desejo e a vontade são as premissas. A entrega a conclusão. E o corpo manifesta-se assim, jorrando sinais de desejo em cascatas líquidas de prazer, soltando o suco da vontade, escorregando languidamente de um corpo para o outro numa fusão de sabores únicos, profusos, imprescindíveis ao alcançar do orgasmo mais sublime, ao alcançar da união mais perfeita e do suspiro mais furioso.

Heart Beat

 "The heaviest of burdens crushes us, we sink beneath it, it pins us to the ground. But in love poetry of every age, the woman longs to be weighed down by the man's body.The heaviest of burdens is therefore simultaneously an image of life's most intense fulfillment. The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become. Conversely, the absolute absence of burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into heights, take leave of the earth and his earthly being, and become only half real, his movements as free as they are insignificant. What then shall we choose? Weight or lightness?"

 In The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

Caminhamos curvados, carregando nos ombros o peso de uma vida de dissabores, de escolhas trémulas, de rotinas esmagadoras, de sentimentos fechados a cadeado, de vontades reprimidas, de identidades escondidas. Caminhamos com o sentimento de contentamento, de resignação, numa apatia ridícula, numa omissão de auxílio ao nosso próprio ser. Deixamo-lo enterrar-se em areias movediças, esquecemo-nos de o cuidar, sobrevivemos. Só que, acontece sempre sem darmos conta, um dia, nas escadas da vida, provamos um beijo com sabor a chuva e o peso avassalador transforma-se de imediato numa leveza arrebatadora. Caminhamos nas nuvens, de sorriso estampado no rosto, sonhamos acordados, desejamos com todos os poros da nossa pele. Entregamos a chave de um coração que até ali cumpria apenas as suas obrigações e passamos a depositar nele a esperança de palpitar até à exaustão, de um tudo ou nada. Soltamos os sentimentos enclausurados, perdemo-nos num corpo que contém a alma mais bonita, a alma que nos completa, que nos faz sentir únicos, que se encaixa em nós como duas mãos entrelaçadas a passear na rua. Construímos um mundo privado, um mundo que mais ninguém conhece, somos felizes lá. Viciamo-nos nas sensações que aquela voz nos provoca, das palavras ora intensas, ora doces. Viciamo-nos no rosto distraído que pensa em voz alta e nos sorri quando nos surpreende a observá-lo. Viciamo-nos no aroma característico, ímpar, que emana da pele que nos abraça, que nos envolve e nos cuida. Viciamo-nos no toque de umas mãos irrequietas que tanto nos serenam como nos incendeiam. Viciamo-nos no olhar cansado e dormente, terno e doce, enfurecido e fogoso. Viciamo-nos no sexo que nos enlouquece, na língua que nos devora, nas investidas audazes e certeiras, nos orgasmos partilhados, no abafar dos gemidos, no degustar do corpo que amamos sentir colado ao nosso, na partilha, na cumplicidade. Entramos num caminho sem retorno. Apaixonamo-nos.

Weekend Turbo Boost

Yesterday morning, I woke about 6:30 from a dirty dream with an erection. As I lay in bed considering if I should try to go back to sleep or instead get up a little early to start my Saturday morning routine, my thoughts began to drift to erotic subjects. I quickly latched on to my wife and I inviting over for dinner a guy at my work who gave us a bunch of movies on a USB hard drive which my wife bought for the purpose. He is a young guy who is an ex-Marine and the thought of my wife coming on to him at dinner in front of me and him hesitantly accepting her advances was a delight f...

The 1 Year Mark:

The orgasm clock on my blog indicates I am approaching the 1 year mark. This will be a first for me. Strangely, I have grown use to living in sexual frustration and the effects it has. The credit for me learning this goes to my wife for giving me the oppertunity to discover that I can be kept locked and live a happy life too, all while in service to her. This past year, I have learned several things about being kept chaste. There is the euphoria that sometimes last days from the male biology of courtship behavior. Those are great. On the flip side, there was also the absence of ...

The Truth:

I want to get back to the use of my blog as a journal for my thoughts. I seem to have drifted away from that and want to again get back to this intent. This past week I was sapped of energy, finding it difficult to get enough rest. I know this was partly due to a bug, but also partly due to depression. As Mr. I'm Hers wrote about in this post (CLICK HERE) and Mistress Kathy wrote about in this post (CLICK HERE), the reality of a 24/7 service submissive relationship with a domme as the sole person in authority is not 100% perfect. The reality is life is a complicated endeavor.

Nipple-Play? I Don't Care:

My last post was a bit of raw honesty more so then I had done in the past. Why I felt I would enjoy giving a guy a blow-job, swallowing his cum after he made love to my wife, and that not an indication of me being gay was a complex thing to put into words. However, for me that is what my blog is for. I find putting into words my thoughts in an unfiltered and honest approach to be helpful in sorting them through. I am thankful for my wife permitting me to do so. A commenter to my last post asked, “*Does your wife allow you to have any sexual pleasure? Besides an orgasm of course...

Sueños mojados

Sorpresas nocturnas

Los sueños mojados o sueños húmedos suceden tanto a hombres como a mujeres. No son ninguna perversión, son completamente normales y se dan tanto en personas que llevan largas temporadas sin actividad sexual como en personas que tengan una vida sexual activa. .

El contenido de nuestros sueños varia mucho, algunos pueden relacionarse con experiencias vividas, emociones, deseos, pensamientos o preocupaciones que tengamos así como con algo que no logremos relacionar con nada. .

En ciertas ocasiones el contenido de los sueños puede ser de contenido erótico y esos son los conocidos “sueños mojados”.

¿Por qué tenemos sueños mojados?En realidad la razón verdadera de porque aparecen los sueños mojados  no es bien conocida, al igual que con el resto de los sueños. .

Los estudiosos de este tema hablan de que nuestro cerebro es capaz de percibir la tensión de los genitales en situaciones especiales como cuando existe una temporada larga sin sexo o cuando hay relaciones sexuales frustradas. También se ha visto que los sueños húmedos suelen darse cuando hay fantaseo erótico sin que se lleve a cabo la relación sexual que lo haga realidad. .

Es normal también en el caso de la mujer, tener sueños húmedos en su etapa pre-menstruación o durante la ovulación por meras cuestiones de las hormonas sexuales y su actuar en esos días!. .

¿Lo que sucede en los sueños mojados tiene importancia?El contenido de los sueños eróticos puede ser desde muy simple hasta muy disparatado, como sucede con cualquier otro sueño!. .

En el sueño se puede estar con una persona desconocida o bien conocida. Pueden practicarse técnicas comunes que nos gustan o cosas que jamás haríamos en la vida real. .

Puede haber romance, pasión, lujuria… cualquier cosa! Podemos ser nosotros los que hacemos o los que nos dejamos hacer. .

No hay que preocuparse por el contenido del sueño mojado, pues es solo eso: un sueño. Y puede ser tan creíble o loco como el sueño quiera ser. Recuerda que los sueños no los controlamos voluntariamente….

Lo único seguro es que los sueños mojados producen gran placer y hasta ocasionan orgasmos algunas veces. .

Pero los sueños no siempre se recuerdan…Alrededor de un 95% de los hombres y un70% de las mujeres recuerdan sus sueños mojados. Pero estas cifras no son muy fiables, ya que no siempre se recuerda haberlos tenido. .

Un 83% de estos sueños en los hombres terminan en eyaculación, mientras que solo el 37% de las mujeres terminan sus sueños mojados con un orgasmo. .

Pero, esto tampoco significa mucho ya que no siempre la persona se despierta al haber tenido un orgasmo, por lo que las mujeres que no se despertaron difícilmente recuerden que tuvieron un orgasmo en sus sueños. Sin embargo en los hombres es más fácil saber si tuvieron uno ya que la evidencia los delata.

Banging the Wife:

It turns out my penis seems to be "*less*" sensitive then before my 16 months of prolonged enforced chastity. I seem to have stamina during intercourse I did not have before. It is so wonderful to have a beautiful woman under me while I make love to her. My wife's neck, breasts, jet black hair, and skin tone are all so erotic together to be able to gaze on while I have my penis inside her. Her erotic beauty is just so wonderful to be able to enjoy. I have been told I am to be locked again soon. My wife is leaving out of town and wants me locked while she is away.

The Natural Order of Women in Authority:

It has recently become increasingly clear to me that we are living in a world where men are best served living under the authority of a woman. It is my deeply held belief that this is the natural order ordained by our creator and conveyed to us in the creation myth of Abrahamic religions. It is said, "*It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a helper*" (*gen 2:18*) The Hebrew word for "*helper*" is azar. It is the same Hebrew word used to describe godde's role over the nation of Israel as their "*helper*". It conveys a position of spiritual superiority and auth...

Wife on Vacation, Locked Back Up:

I was unlocked by my wife after about three days of her being back home. She had me make love to her a few times and locked me back up before leaving on another vacation. This time, my wife took both of our children and went to Florida. She is spending time with her good friend from college. I am left with $50 for food and a full tank of gas. She is scheduled to be gone for about three weeks. I am locked in a chastity device too. My wife seems to enjoy the flexibility of doing so during her absence. Also, she has let me know she is unsure if she will be unlocking me upon her re..

Goodbye to the Keys:

My wife started working at school again. She sent me a quick video of her putting the keys to my chastity device away in a drawer at work. She just teased me that although she has to go back to work, at least the good news is she will be keeping me locked and I will be just waiting to do the next thing she asks of me when she comes home and the focus of me will be on getting her off since that will be the only thing I get to do sexually. She likes the idea of me just forgetting about being able to be unlocked anytime soon and instead find ways to enjoy getting her off and doing...

Into The School Year:

Starting on Thursday of last week, I went on a three day full open, balls to the wall, 18+ hrs days. When my wife returned to work last Monday, I was set to provide a video nanny link to home to monitor the children in her absence. I do so using a set of headphones at my desk at work and some technology to leave open a video conference link to the living room at home. I can provide some parental oversight that way. The downside is the distractions. I work in a technical group and my work requires a great deal of uninterrupted concentration. Five days of distractions lowered my w...

And So The Time Clicks On:

I am two and a half months chaste, I routinely get used by my wife to get her off, I do all the chores, and I am permitted some sparing amount of time to play with my nipples each night if I had behaved well in the eyes of my wife. This has become my life as of late. I have found being used by her to get off to be the thing I look forward to most. A close second is her nightly decision on giving me an erotic charge from my nipples being played with. She has also taken to referring to me as a not a real man. Often she tells me that she is the woman in the house. It is therefor...

Forcing Myself into Embarrassment:

Each night, I am forced to verbally ask my wife if she grants me permission to play with my nipples. I am forced to do this because if I do not, I do not get the one opportunity to feel some erotic pleasure. I find I need to summon courage each time. It is embarrassing to ask for permission to play with my nipples. For one, it is seen as a very girly thing to be doing and this is a difficult thing for me to verbalized to my wife as it is a form of emasculation. Further, having to come to my wife for her to grant permission is an additional embarrassment, as it demonstrates just...

The Comfort of a Brass Padlock:

Last night, my wife played with my nipples and then prompted me to cuddle with her. As I lay in her embrace, it occurred to me that it must be a real comfort and benefit of keeping me locked that she can have me cuddle with her and know I have no way of ruining the moment by trying to take it further when all she would like at that moment is to cuddle. Instead, she knows I am going to remain as a companion who she can enjoy such moments with uninterrupted. She mentioned last night how nice it is for her to have the keys kept at her place of work. She brought them home last wee...

Three Tiers:

I received a comment from Mistress Janet on my last post concerning a method to humiliate a man who is being kept locked in chastity by his wife or girlfriend. She suggested sending him to a strip club with some limited number of one dollar bills. This would embarrass him and also serve to accelerate the fostering of his docile attitude. This got me thinking on a side topic that I wanted to put into a post. Some women enjoy the entertainment of inflicting pain on a man who is being submissive to them and a select few actually feel a form of pleasure doing so. These sadistic dom...

Dr. Janet Bennion:

The October 10th airing of Voices of the Sacred Feminine had Janet Bennion, Professor of Anthropology at Lyndon State University (*PhD in Anthropology* ). Dr. Bennion spoke on the topic of Feminist Polygamy, which she has researched extensively. She is also a prominent spokesperson for including poly relationships into marriage rights laws. This includes polygamy, polyamory, and polyandry. She indicates that in a modern society, monogamy often works out poorly for the women. According to her research, only 4% of the worlds cultures condone polyandry.

Her pointy big breasts are so suckable

Não conta pra ninguém

Ver Fotos

Como Tocar los Senos

La estimulación perfecta

Los pechos de la mujer son el sitio de destino femenino más visitado por los hombres, sin lugar a duda!.

Además de ello, los senos representan una zona erógena rica en terminaciones nerviosas las cuales los hacen muy sensitivos. Los senos de una chica, sin son bien manipulados y estimulados, la pueden dejar lista para recibir el orgasmo. Por ello, y otras verdades más, vale más aprender a tocar los senos bien!.

¿Sabias que al tocar los senos bien, la libido aumenta a niveles impresionantes?

Muchas mujeres se quejan de que su novio, esposo o compañero no las sabe tocar y los chicos se sienten preocupados de no conovcer como acariciar un seno para provocar placer y no dolor.

Entonces, como tocar los senos?

Los pechos son una maravilla del cuerpo femenino y como tal, deben ser tratados con delicadeza, pasión y ternura. .

Unos buenos consejos y recomendaciones para tocar los senos son: .

*Darse su tiempo acariciándolos! Muchas veces la pareja ni los considera o no les da la atención que ameritan! Pero claro… aparte de los senos hay todo un cuerpo para estimular, no lo olviden!

*Las caricias deben ser suaves pero intensas. La mama es un tejido sensible y las caricias bruscas pueden resultar dolorosas e incomodas.

*Demuestra que tocarle los senos a tu mujer te gusta, te excita, te emociona y lo disfrutas!

*Cuando la chica este excitada, las manipulaciones pueden ser un poco más duras y rápidas, pero siempre con cuidado.

*Presionar muy fuerte un seno hace que este choque con la costilla, lo cual resulta muy doloroso.

*Próxima al periodo menstrual, la mujer se pone mas sensible y sus pechos también! En esos días, las caricias deben ser más sutiles, ya que lo que en otro momento resulto placentero ahora puede ser motivo de dolor extremo.

*Tocar el seno con sutileza y cuidado no significa tocarlo sin erotismo, intensidad o pasión..

*Pregúntale o coméntale a tu pareja como tocar los senos. La comunicación en pareja es muy importante cuando de placer y plenitud sexual se trata.

*Recuerda ver los senos como un todo. Muchas veces, el fallo viene porque los hombres se concentran un sola parte del seno, por lo general el pezón, y no aprovechan la amplia zona erógena que tienen para disfrutar ellos y excitar a la mujer.

Hola a todos deceandoles que tengan un exelente fin de semana
Nota: saber tocar los pechos debidamente significa una buena parte del camino que hay que recorrer para culminar el coito con éxito.